Monday, September 5, 2011

Another Blogger?

If your anything like me. You have a load of favorite Blogs.

I have different ways of organizing them with bookmarks.
- Most favorite of all
-Food Blogs
-Kind of Like Blogs
-Sorta Good Sometimes
-Money Saving
The problem is that some of them have been moved to my
-Don't Post Very Often bookmark.
It's disappointing when your favorite Blogger takes a break or disappears. I know that has happened to me many times. I hate to take them off my favorites list so there they stay. But I miss them.

So why do I think I have what it takes to be a Blogger?

I have written Blogs about my weight loss journey on a free site. They have been well received. I think mostly because they use emoticons. Emoticons, if chosen well, can make even simple things look funny. Say you feel fat and then add an emoticon of a bloated smiley face in overalls and you make your point in a way that everyone understands.

So..who am I?
I am a middle aged wife, mother of grown sons. I like to cook, decorate, work out and do Genealogy.

I exercise a lot. I recently got my hair cut. After 7 years of going to the same place I tried a new salon. I told the woman I would like my hair cut shorter but for it still to be long enough to pull back for exercising.The hairdresser was young ( early 30's maybe) and she immediately asked if I am a runner.
The weight loss Blog that I use says if you consider yourself to be a runner then you are one.

I am a runner.

I've never run a formal race. I just run for fun ( and hopefully to walk off some of my rear end). I don't run every day.  But I do walk or run for 70 minutes most days. In the  3 years that I've been doing it I have lost 30 pounds. And more importanly not put on 30 pounds. Anyway, I was pretty floored that her first thought when told that I want  good exercise hair  was..Oh, she's a runner..Me!!??!...that must mean she thinks I look athletic...right?  I'm at the age where how I picture myself  in my mind when I'm thinking of my self..and how I look when I look in the mirror..don't always mesh. I still think and feel like a pretty young person...and really that is all realative. If I start hanging out with people in their 60's and 70's then I'm still young. right? So being asked if I'm a runner kind of made my day.

My Husband retired a couple of years ago. He plays Golf so it's ok. He gets out. He also likes to cook dinner sometimes. Actually fairly often. And I'm such a good iwfe, I let him cook and chop and grocery shop as much as he wants.. We also, travel. In June we went to Scotland.  Tomorrow we leave for the beach. Trips will be fun things to Blog about. In the real world people don't necessarily want to look at your vacation pictures.  In  Blog land  readers can look or go to another blog or I guess they can file you under Blogs with obnoxious Travel pictures.

 I have to get up early tomorrow but I'm still staying up to watch the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills tonight. I watched it last year so it's not like I'm somone staring at an accident site. In the real world I would never admit to watching. Or maybe that's the true test of a friend..if you can admit to them that you watch. Will you be watching?

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